Friday, March 26, 2010

Figuring out what to do next...

Is blogging just writing an e-journal? It feels too open - too many options of what to say, which I suppose is anything really. Which brings me to why I'm blogging today.

I have too many option of what to do next year, too many thoughts of ideas of what I'd like to do and too little action of actually doing it.

How does one choose between working to change agri-business, improving farm animal rights, reducing obesity, eating locally, promoting physical activity, fixing poverty through micro-investing, personal language/communication development, fighting for women's empowerment and education, saving the dolphins, improving our railroad system and public transportation, finding green energy, making sure we use clean energy, figuring out what to do with nuclear waste, finding spirituality or ...??? and that probably isn't even the half of it...

Not to mention the whole supporting ones' self financially, finding true love, loving what you do, staying in touch with your friends, eating healthily, getting active and being involved in your local community.

Even if time was unlimited and energy was endless how do you find the inner drive to keep going? I find I rely heavily on outside input, on interpersonal interaction to exchange ideas, I recharge with positivity when others see value in what I'm doing. I still haven't found the inner motivation to do everything I would like to do...but I'm working on that.

I'm finding inspiration on (John Francis, Dan Barber, Ian Dunbar...), and just hearing about what other people have done and what people are capable of.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much out there to do, it's hard to decide based only on a certain cause or issue when there are many that motivate you. I wouldn't worry too much about finances or searching for true love (not to be confused with finding it!) I think that being young, well-educated and debt free provides you (us) with a unique opportunity to take risks and do something, for at least a little while, that you really enjoy for its intrinsic value. I think the only way you can find that out is by trying new things and I think the organic farm idea is great. I think you could learn a lot doing that and its something that you will no doubt not have much opportunity to do later on. I think a good question to ask in deciding what to do is, 'can I still do this in 5 or 10 years when I have things tying me down - relationship, house, cars, dogs, etc.' If the answer is yes, its probably not a big enough risk! Traveling to see the world is a great thing to do and make sure you appreciate just doing it and not worrying about what exactly you do along the way, that is something you definitely won't be able to do once the real world sets in. Just travel and try to experience as much as possible! P.S. Microfinance I don't think is as cool as it sounds, but some people obviously enjoy it a lot (you are like a loan officer, a less glamorous term!)
